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Table 1 Pathways of disruption

From: Interdependence of social-ecological-technological systems in Phoenix, Arizona: consequences of an extreme precipitation event


Characterization [17]

SETS Expansion

Direct Physical

Impact to physical infrastructure

Impact to built infrastructure or natural environment, including biotic and abiotic factors

Indirect Physicala

Disruption resulting from other interconnected or co-located infrastructure

Disruption resulting from other interconnected or co-located infrastructure, built or natural

Direct Non-physical

Impacts on human health, behavior, and decision making

Impacts on social factors (e.g., physical health, behavior, decision-making) from individual to collective scales

Indirect Non-physicala

Disruption resulting from loss of information, social, financial, etc. resources

Disruption resulting from loss of intangible resources (e.g., mental health, knowledge, money)

  1. aRepresentative of cascading failures